Pharmacy Solutions

The 340B Program can be complex and cumbersome, but that is no reason to miss out on its benefits. When set up correctly, 340B can be a great addition to your organization. Secure340B is here to help you, every step of the way.

340B Opportunity Identification

Secure340B assists pharmacies looking to explore 340B opportunities for the first time or expand their existing program.  We provide the guidance and resources to identify potential covered entities in your community.

340B Opportunity Projection

After locating an interested hospital or clinic, Secure340B uses existing pharmacy data to identify potential qualified claim volume, drug mix, dispensing fees, payment terms and Manufacturer Excluded and uses these findings to model projected 340B opportunities for pharmacies to ensure critical resources are reserved for the most promising partnerships. Upon completing the analyses Secure340B’s experts can assist with presenting the proposed fees/terms to the covered entity and, if needed negotiate on the pharmacy’s behalf.  

Manufacturer 340B Price Restoration

Has your pharmacy seen a decline in qualified prescription claims or 340B drug replenishment in recent months? Do you need help identifying what’s missing and why? Secure340B helps hundreds of pharmacies identify missing opportunities, lost savings and inventory errors.  In addition, our 340B PriceRestoration service offering, can help your covered entity in the process of pharmacy designation, data submission and ongoing support to ensure your pharmacy receives the full benefit of the 340B program.

Current Program Evaluation/Restructuring

340B must be a “win-win,” for all parties involved. Each and every day, Secure340B analyzes existing 340B partnerships and provides critical intel on the TRUE financial impact of the current 340B contract. If needed, Secure340B provides suggestions and negotiation assistance for dispensing fee restructures and other contract terms. These analyses and ongoing support provide pharmacies PEACE of mind that their program is functioning as expected and delivering the critical savings their communities depend on.

DIR Fee Estimation

DIR fees continue to increase every year and directly impact a pharmacy’s bottom line.  And did you know that DIR fees can affect your 340B Program? DIR Defense tool identifies and estimates DIR fees on 340B transactions to gain clear insight into their impact so you can account for them in your partnerships.

Honest billing with one flat rate

Secure340B Programming

Customers receive our full suite of services.

Program Evaluation

-340B Opportunity Projection
-Current Program Assessment

340B Optimization

-Modeling & Fee Optimization
-Negotiation Support
-DIR Fee Identification

Continuous Support

-340B Program Monitoring
-Email & Phone Support
Together we’re stronger.

Share your 340B goals with us today! Getting started has never been easier.

Questions about Secure340B or how to get help with your 340B Program?