340B Made Simple

The 340B Program can be complex and cumbersome, but that is no reason to miss out on its benefits. When set up correctly, 340B can be a great addition to your organization. Secure340B is here to help you, every step of the way.

Program Evaluation

We examine your current or potential 340B Program opportunity and its impact on your business. We help you establish a plan for the future based on objective data.

services include

340B Opportunity Projection

No one should enter into a 340B contract without a clear picture of what it will look like regarding volume and economics. We take existing pharmacy data and model out a projected 340B Program opportunity for both Covered Entity and Pharmacy. This takes the guesswork out of whether the program will be beneficial and worthwhile.

Current Program Assessment

340B must be a “win-win,” for both Pharmacy and Covered Entity. Do you know if your 340B contract is benefitting your business or if there is room for improvement? We provide a full program evaluation and assessment so you see clearly how your program is performing.

340B Optimization

Relationships between Covered Entities and Pharmacies are central to the 340B Program and we help to ensure the best arrangements for both parties.

services include

Modeling & Fee Optimization

Our optimization modeling allows a side-by-side comparison of your 340B Program options, helping you to find the restructure that makes the most sense.

Continuous Support

We monitor your program and are here to answer any questions along the way.

services include

340B Program Monitoring

Performance Reports are provided quarterly so you can rest easy knowing we are monitoring your 340B Program.

Email & Phone Support

Call or email us any time with questions or concerns. We are here for you!

Honest billing with one flat rate

Secure340B Programming

Customers receive our full suite of services.

Program Evaluation

-340B Opportunity Projection
-Current Program Assessment

340B Optimization

-Modeling & Fee Optimization
-Negotiation Support

Continuous Support

-340B Program Monitoring
-Email & Phone Support
Together we’re stronger.

Share your 340B goals with us today! Getting started has never been easier.

Questions about Secure340B or how to get help with your 340B Program?